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#IRLIWY • My first safe place: the clothing rack

One of my first memories that I remember like it was yesterday is one that I revisit quite a lot, I was around 6 years old and I went to the store with my mom, while she tried on some dresses I ran around the store like a little lighting bolt, as usual, when finally I decided to hide between the dresses that were hanging from the round racks. I pretended that the store clerks were following me, so I watched them from the safety of my little cave. It rapidly became a safe place in my mind, a hiding spot that I only knew about. I remember the feeling of happiness in that moment when I found my first hide out outside of my house.

I've passed by that store hundreds of times until one day it was gone. The old sign with the 70’s typography and vintage look were gone. Along with the women’s dresses, the clerks, the parking spaces and my secret hiding spot. All of it gone.

Sometimes I go back to that place in my mind. That little spot between the dresses, that place were no one could find me and I felt at ease. My heart shrugs a little bit every time I pass by that place and a big smile shows up on my face.

With my older brother in NYC, Circa 1985

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